
EasySeq™ RC-PCR SARS CoV-2 (novel coronavirus) Whole Genome Sequencing kit (96 reactions). 


RC-PCR, the next revolution in NGS Library Prep


Generate Whole Genome Sequencing data from cDNA, derived from Covid-19 positive tested patients.


Compatible with any low- and mid throughput illumina® NGS sequencer of the latest generations: iSeq®, MiniSeq®, MiSeq®, NextSeq®, in combination with 2×150 bp paired-end read chemistry.

Premium features

High performance, great value

The simplicity and security of RC-PCR.

Single pre-PCR reaction setup – Just add cDNA and Mastermix to UDI index plates and go. Post- PCR pool all samples, perform single clean-up reaction, QC, quantify and sequence.

Hands on time 60 minutes, RCPCR and bead clean-up.

Ideal for HTP automation.

Less handling steps, less risk of contamination or sample mix up, greater safety and reassurance.

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