DyeTerminator Cleanup kit

High quality results

With D-Pure, purified sequencing reactions result in clean chromatograms. Very high Signal-to-Noise ratios, high quality scores and long read lenghts, with 100% removal of any DyeTerminator blobs.

The kit consists of a magnetic beads solution. With this paramagnetic bead format you can easily perfom manual or fully automated, high-throughtput dye-terminator removal without any centrifugation or filtration steps. Each component has been optimized for removing salts and unincorporated Dye-dideoxinucleotides from DNA sequencing reaction mixtures.

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Straightforward protocol

Cost effective

Completely automatable with liquid handling systems

DSMR-600 ProtocolPDF


D-Pure™ DyeTerminator Cleanup kit, 5 mL

D-Pure™ DyeTerminator Cleanup kit, 50 mL

D-Pure™ DyeTerminator Cleanup kit, 500 mL


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