Welcome to the world of Fluorescent Size Standards
Ultra-accurate size standards for capillairy electrophoresis
Size Standards with a fluorescent labeled for ultra-accurate and reproducible sizing of fragment analysis peaks on any ABI Genetic Analyzer with a five-dye spectral calibration.
The size standard can be used for a variety of applications like Microsatellites, MLPA, Fragment Length analysis, Fragment Length Polymorphisms etc. Each of the DNA fragments is labeled with a LIZ® compatible fluorophore resulting in a sharp orange peak under denaturing conditions.
Fluorescent Size Standards products
Orange 500 DNA Size Standard (500 bp) 400 µL
Orange 600 DNA Size Standard (600 bp) 400 µL
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5 Mostafa Abdeen st, from El Amal st, Giza
Opening Hours
Sunday To Thursday : 9am to 5pm